Sep 13, 2010

Animal Characteristics of Life Poster Assigned

Biology Students: Here are the steps to follow:

1. Choose an animal card to get you started. This is the animal you’ll use for your poster. You are just borrowing this card. Do not cut or destroy this card! You will also use the internet sites/books to give you TWO other sources for your information.

2. Use the poster board provided (or your own poster that’s the same size.) You’ll be sharing your completed poster in class so do your best on it.

3. Here are the requirements for the animal poster. It must include:

• The animal's common and scientific name. (10)
• A large drawing of the animal; colored accurately OR nicely shaded. (10)
• Other pictures and/or descriptions of the animal's location or habitat. (10)
• Pictures and descriptions of the following characteristics of life:

o Organization (body structures) (10)
o Reproduction (breeding) (10)
o Gets Energy (what it eats) (10)
o Adaptation (things it does or has to help it survive) (10)

• Other pictures and text that tell other interesting facts about your animal (10)
• Bibliography ON BACK (The THREE places where you got your information) (10)
AND your name and class period
• Work done neatly – correct spelling - best handwriting or computer written (10)

4. Grading criteria:
Project is worth 100 points – See above

* 10 points off for every day turned in late. *

Email your questions to: or post them at: MOSSYROCK SCIENCE on Facebook.
Project due: Thursday, September 30th at 3:00 p.m.
Pace yourself. Don’t wait until the last night to start your poster!